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Our roughing carbide end-mills

Discover our range of roughing carbide end-mills

K1683 Roughing carbide end-mills
K4000.10 4 flutes roughing carbide end-mills

assemblage fraises carbure à ébaucher 3 dents

3 flutes


K4500.04 4 flutes roughing carbide end-mills
K4600.10 4 flutes roughing carbide end-mills
K4601.10 4 flutes roughing carbide end-mills
K4620.10 4 flutes roughing carbide end-mills
K4745.10 4 flutes roughing carbide end-mills

assemblage fraises carbure à ébaucher 4 dents

4 flutes


K4606.10 4 flutes roughing ball nose carbide end-mills

assemblage fraises carbure à ébaucher hémisphériques

Ball nose


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